The Quiet Warrior Podcast with Serena Low

50. Celebrate Episode 50 of The Quiet Warrior Podcast!

Serena Low, Introvert Coach for Quiet Achievers and Quiet Warriors

Welcome to episode 50 of The Quiet Warrior Podcast! 

Thank you for being part of this special journey. I appreciate you, I appreciate your feedback and comments about what you’re learning, and I’m grateful that we have connected here.

Today, I’m taking my own advice to be intentional by pressing pause to look back on this journey and to celebrate how far I’ve come, instead of saying “Yeah, episode 50, whatever, other people have already done hundreds of episodes!”

Tune in to discover:

  1. 5 reasons to follow the still small voice of inspiration.
  2. The key to starting anything new, scary, crazy, or risky.
  3. Are you genuinely seeking competence or addicted to certainty and security?
  4. How to circumvent impostor syndrome while being honest about your limitations.
  5. How to rekindle the long-hidden dream that you can change your world.
  6. 7 things I've learned in the past 21 months of podcasting.

P.S. If you’re an introvert struggling to be seen and heard at work or in your business, I hear you.

I've been there, I know the struggle, and I've got your back.

I’m putting together a new online program called The Visible Introvert Academy to help introverts:

  • Stop hiding and waiting for someone to notice you, 
  • Make progress on your dreams and goals so that you can be seen and heard, 
  • Express your authentic self fully and courageously, 
  • Create a life that feels rich and fulfilling to you.

To join the waitlist for the program, click here.

Catch you on the next episode of The Quiet Warrior Podcast.

If you enjoyed this episode, remember to give it a 5-star rating on whichever platform you listen from, so The Quiet Warrior Podcast can reach more introverts around the world!

This episode was edited by Aura House Productions

Speaker 1:

Hi, I'm Serena Loh. If you're used to hearing that introverts are shy, anxious, antisocial and lack good communication and leadership skills, then this podcast is for you. You're about to fall in love with the calm, introspective and profound person that you are. Discover what's fun, unique and powerful about being an introvert, and how to make the elegant transition from quiet achiever to quiet warrior in your life and work anytime you want, in more ways than you imagined possible. Welcome.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to episode 50 of the Quiet Warrior podcast. Wow, how did that happen? So today I'm taking my own advice to be intentional by pressing pause to look back on this journey and to celebrate how far I've come, instead of saying, yeah, episode 50, whatever other people have already done. Hundreds of episodes, pausing every now and then to acknowledge myself is something I have to actively practice. It doesn't come naturally to me. In fact, it feels counterintuitive, almost as if I'm making a big deal about something really minor that everyone else does. What's so great about having a podcast anyway?

Speaker 2:

Now that I think about it, there are so many reasons why I almost didn't start a podcast. In fact, it took a good six months from the time I started toying with the idea of starting a podcast to actually launching the Quiet Warrior podcast. Even after I put it out into the world, the doubts didn't stop coming to visit. What if I start and decide to quit halfway? What if it takes too much time and it's too hard? What if I run out of things to say? What if no one listens? What if no one cares? There are so many podcasts on the internet already. What's so unique about my voice and my message? And I bet these kinds of thoughts have crossed your mind too.

Speaker 2:

Remember that time you had a magical, inspired idea, drop into your mind out of nowhere and you got so excited, dreaming of the possibilities. But then your inner critic and your logical left brain took over, giving you 20 good reasons why this is the worst idea ever and how it will be a waste of time and money. And anyway, who are you to even think that your message is worth sharing when you barely have a following and no one knows you? You know what. You're not alone. So many of us have been conditioned to follow the safe and predictable path, to avoid doing risky or unconventional things, to put aside childish dreams. Now that we are mature adults to-do lists and meeting expectations a little voice persists inviting us to play, to imagine, to dream, to experiment and in a startling moment of clarity, you might find a whole new project or pathway beckoning to you, inviting you to have a look, to get involved, to take the lead, to be a creator or a voice, and this project or pathway may be something that's entirely outside your comfort zone. Should you accept and follow your curiosity to see where it leads, or should you resist the siren song and insist on sticking to what's safe, sensible and responsible, because you know you have bills to pay and dependents to take care of. Now I'm not advocating that you start being reckless and do things that jeopardize your responsibilities.

Speaker 2:

As someone who has spent more than three decades staying safely inside my comfort zone, here's my take on it. Number one if the idea has come to you, it's because you've been deemed a worthy vessel. Number two it's not your job to convince anyone who's not open. Number three your job is simply to share the message, to pass on what you've received. Number four you are a steward of what you've been entrusted with, which has the potential power to make a deep difference to your people power to make a deep difference to your people. Number five what if just one person hears your message, receives it with gladness, takes it to heart and changes their whole life's trajectory or their career path or the way they relate to their children because of you? Would that be worth you stepping up and allowing yourself to be visible?

Speaker 2:

The key to starting anything that seems new, scary, crazy and risky and that triggers huge imposter syndrome in you is to shift your energy and your focus. When your focus is stuck at me. It becomes all about me. I become hyper fixated on myself. I'm not good enough, I'm not qualified to talk about this. I need more years of study and practice. I need more accreditations, more social media likes and engagement, a bigger following, prestigious awards, honorable mentions, keynote speeches and big name clients. Then maybe I'll be credible enough to deliver my message.

Speaker 2:

So here's an uncomfortable question I had to ask myself Is this about genuinely seeking to be professional and competent, or is it about being addicted to safety and security and an insatiable need for external approval and validation? It's healthy to honestly admit your imperfections and limitations, and it's important for integrity to seek to be professional and competent in what you do. The trick is not to give your current imperfections and limitations permission to take over your decision-making or, worse, to spend so much time together that you get cozy and keep putting off taking that courageous first step. And by the time you realize it, another five years have passed when you move the dial of your focus and energy from me to we and start really connecting deeply with the energy and the emotion of who you are, who you've been, what you've overcome and what you've learned, what you care about in life and why, why your message is so needed now, who your message is for and who can benefit. What could change for the person who hears it and acts on your message, and what magical changes that might lead to. Who hears it and acts on your message, and what magical changes that might lead to, I guarantee you will rekindle your old excitement and reawaken the dream that, in your own small, quiet way, you too can facilitate change in your corner of the world.

Speaker 2:

So what have I gained from the last 21 months of putting this podcast out into the world, one episode every two weeks? I learned that I have a voice. I learned that my voice matters. So thank you for your DMs and your emails telling me how you've been touched, inspired or encouraged by things I've said, and for your five-star ratings and reviews things I've said and for your five-star ratings and reviews. I learned that I don't have to be perfect or know everything to get started. I got excited again about learning something new and getting deep into doing stuff that's creative, fun and challenging for me. I get to meet interesting, smart and talented people who teach me something new in our conversations, so I'm always growing and expanding, constantly honing my interviewing technique and listening skills, who are on a similar journey of exploring your values and interests, reinventing yourself, navigating adversity and transitions and finding new uses for your quiet strengths. So thank you for being part of this special journey. I appreciate you. I appreciate your feedback and comments about what you're learning and I'm grateful that we have connected here.

Speaker 2:

By the way, if you're an introvert struggling to be seen and heard at work or in your business, I hear you. I've been there, I know the struggle and I've got you. I'm putting together a new online program to help introverts stop hiding and waiting for someone to notice you, to making progress on your dreams and goals, so that you can, in your own quiet way, be seen and heard, express your authentic self fully and courageously and create a life that feels rich and fulfilling to you. To join the waitlist, click the link in the show notes below this episode. Catch you on the next episode of the Quiet Warrior podcast. Together, we can help more introverts thrive. To receive more uplifting content like this, connect with me on Instagram at Serena Lo Quiet.

Speaker 1:

Warrior Coach. Thank you for sharing your time and your energy with me. See you on the next episode.